BratzLips.com reserves the right to moderate the activity on the Community and may remove or edit any content for any or no reason, including, but not limited to, content that, in BratzLips.com’s sole discretion, violates these Community Terms.
All Content submitted to the Community must be in full compliance with US law. For safety reasons. we require everyone to at least be 13 or older before joining.
1. No spreading of misinformation!
If you want to inform the group on news regarding Bratz or any other doll line, please make sure it is 100% official or make sure everyone is aware that it's a rumor. Prank posts are allowed as long as you make sure to let everyone know about it shortly after.
2. No rude comments!
Nothing wrong about acting a little shady but make sure you're not actually insulting someone. Always use an appropriate and respectful language when you post information in the community. Racist, sexist, abusive, harassing, defamatory, pornographic, threatening, obscene or otherwise offensive language that could be considered detrimental to other users is prohibited.
The freedom of speech concept does not mean freedom of consequence. Insulting comments will be deleted immediately and users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after two warnings are issued by moderators.
3. No Bait/flame baiting/trolling posts!
A bait post is described as “A post used to deliberately provoke conflict among other posters.” Any posts of that nature will be deleted.
4. No Harassment!
No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for deletion from the forums.
5. Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
It is prohibited to share any content that may reveal personal information about individuals, or their private property, without permission. This includes but is not limited to:
Sharing personally identifiable information (including real name, email, location, etc.)
Sharing content that violates another's reasonable expectation of privacy.
6. No NSFW content!
We have nothing against NSFW content or the people who create and/or view it, but we rather not have it on this forum. Please try not to include any sexual content in your posts, avatars, usernames, user descriptions, gifs, or links. Quoting such posts is seen as bad as posting them and all may result in a warning point. If you see these posts, please ignore and report them.
7. No spamming or double, triple, quadruple, etc. posts!
If someone spams the group with several different posts, all of them will be deleted immediately. Make sure there's no similar post from within the last 3-4 weeks. This can be prevented by using the search bar to find if the thread already exists.
8. Avoid talking about politics (unless extremely relevant)
This group is a place for discussion about Bratz and fashion dolls so please try to avoid talking about politics even when in the Entertainment section. However, if you want for example to critique someone like Isaac and his support for Trump, etc. then you have the right to do so but please make sure it is relevant to the topic or helps you get your point across!
9. Make sure to credit the source!
If you post pictures or art from other people always make sure to credit them. Uncredited posts will be deleted immediately.
10. We are not Grindr
Please do not use BratzLip.com's messaging function for any type of inappropriate behavior including threats, nudes, and etc.
11. Dealing with the staff
The staff are members who dedicate their time to moderate the forum. They are here to preserve order and help you if you are in need. If your topic/post has been edited or deleted by a member of staff, respect that and do not tamper with it or instigate drama after the fact though you may message and ask. Those who are disrespectful towards the staff and/or website may be penalized however if a staff member themselves steps out of their line and displays such things as discrimination, then you of course have the right to message the Admin. When dealing with staff, it should be noted that harassing them with an issue by following them across the forum, tagging them, and/or messaging them incessantly is unacceptable behavior. If you are facing any kind of problem, send a private message respectfully to the administration team to discuss it.
12. Reporting
While it is encouraged to report any rule breaker within reason, try not to misuse the report button. Do not report anything unless it is actually worth reporting - this includes (but is not limited to) topics that have already been locked.
In short, the following is what we find worth reporting:
Anything discriminatory
Duplicate accounts/previously banned members
Posting personal information without permission
Death threats/wishes/bullying/harassment
If the situation is not through posts but rather PM or anywhere else on this site you may still PM one of the staffs. Bear in mind that we, the administration staff, are not machines. We do not appreciate when members flood our notification tabs with spurious reports. Please think before reporting. Any members who report staff or tend to abuse this function may receive warning points.
Courtesy of the Bratz World Community moderators for giving us permission to use their rules.
For more help please visit the Help and Requests section once you have signed up or PM the Admin.